Each of our clients has different needs. Different conditions, situations, circumstances. They all share a common desire, though: to remain safely in the comfort and familiarity of their own home environments. They all share something else in common, too. They are each unique individuals. All too often, we find that people tend to forget that elderly people are...well, people...with their own personalities, temperaments, sensibilities, likes and dislikes. We understand this, and we take pleasure in getting to know the person behind the age. We become not only caregivers; we forge mutual, trusted friendships.
We also know that consistency is fundamental to building trust and friendship. Often, with other agencies, clients receive a parade of different caregivers, and each day there's a new person the client must adjust to, and this can be unsettling. While the caregivers may be knowledgeable, they just don't know the person...and the person doesn't know them. We believe that consistency is key to comfort, and we strive to build relationships by providing the same caring, friendly, familiar faces every time we visit.
It is with these core values of caring friendship and consistency that we provide experienced, professional home care services. And we've been doing it for a long time. Our founders, Marian McDonagh and Breige Fitzgerald have a combined 40 years' experience working both for agencies and as private-duty caregivers before founding Gentle Hands Home Health Care in 2016. We are building a team of other professionals who think the same way we do, and who share our mission.
Our mission is simple: to provide you with the comfort and peace of mind that comes from knowing that your home health care is in the best hands---Gentle Hands that come from gentle and kind hearts.
Personal care. Personalized.
"Our mission is simple: to provide you with the comfort and peace of mind that comes from knowing that your home health care is in the best hands--Gentle Hands that come from gentle and kind hearts."